Vivian Jenkins
Author, Publisher and Educator
I’m so glad you’ve taken the time to visit! You'll find information about my books, and updates on what I am doing - as author, educator and publisher. Retired from teaching and missionary work now, my working time is spend in admin of our publishing company, and revising and developing the Sunrise Reading Scheme and Resources. I continue to enjoy monthly ladies' Bible studies, and - after four years as a registered breeder of persian chinchilla cats - I now enjoy our two exquisite retired queens and Lady Arwen Evenstar's gorgeous boy, Sir Baymax Boniface. You can also visit with Peter - click on About us to find his posts.
From my Blog:
Lady Arwen Evenstar will be four years old on the 15th December 2020. She had her first litter on 22nd January 2017. Her second litter was born on 22 November 2018, and her third litter was born on 25 September 2019. Now, nearly exactly a year later, her fourth litter is due. I took her to her gentle, good-natured handsome, many-times show champion stud – Cherie-Finesse Dreamer of Cherie-Zelle – on 16 July, after the winter dormancy period. Lady Arwen had had her annual inoculations and de-worming in advance, on 18 May. She was in good condition and ready for her next pregnancy. A feline pregnancy is usually 63 – 65 days in duration, so I calculated Lady Arwen’s first due date to be 17th September. I started feeding her on Royal Canin baby mousse with a little water added, just as she likes it – morning and evening, as…
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Read MoreWhen she returns from the stud, the queen has stopped calling, rolling and washing her genital area as she did during her season. After about ten days, the queen may lose appetite and become a little listless. (That’s Lady Arwen Evenstar!) Sometimes her appetite increases right away. (That’s Princess Bella). She may throw up a little more frequently – not just fur balls! She will usually spend more time sleeping. Pregnant queens often become more affectionate than usual. I love this! Enjoy every moment! 5. Around 20 days, their nipples pink up – changing from their usual skin colour to a distinctly darker pink or even red. 6. Her appetite will increase and you will probably find she is eating more –little and often. (I always increase feeding at this time – offering kitten mousse or kitten wet food, baked chicken, biltong etc.) 7. You will notice your queen putting…
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