Sunrise Educational Publishing is the Cape Town-based publisher of the Sunrise Readers – the teachers’ and parents’ reading scheme of choice in Zimbabwe, with growing markets in Zambia and Botswana.
The Sunrise Readers were first written and published in 1984/1985 in Zimbabwe to meet the need for a relevant, local reading curriculum. They were published by Longman Zimbabwe, and approved by the Ministry of Education, Zimbabwe.

In 2013, Pearson Education Africa took over from Longman Zimbabwe. They asked the authors to update the Sunrise Readers Books 1- 10 in 2016/2017, and began to market the books in Zambia and Botswana.
Pearson Education Africa closed in May 2022, and Sunrise Educational Publishing (Pty) Ltd was formed to publish the Sunrise Readers. Our young company has a passion to impact literacy in Africa, with a desire to get the Sunrise Readers into the hands of the children. Our business philosophy is high volume/ low profit margin and we encourage book sellers to support us in this.
In 2023, the Sunrise Readers Books 1 – 10 were approved by the Ministry of Education in Zambia, and gained approval, once again, by the Ministry of Education in Zimbabwe. Sunrise Readers are available in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, South Africa and Australia.

Books 11 and 12 were revised by the authors in 2023, and they have been published and printed by Sunrise Educational Publishing (Pty) Ltd. They complete Level 3 of the reading scheme.

In 2024, the authors have been working on new products to support teachers, parents and learners. These include Sunrise Readers Big Books 1, 2 and 3 for classroom use by teachers, and Learners’ Workbooks to go with the Starter Level books.

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