Whom shall I fear?

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1.
I’m sure this well-known psalm of David is special to many of us; it certainly is special to me. Are you a people-pleaser? Do you find yourself worrying about whether you’ve offended or hurt other people with a careless word? Or do you have those deeper, darker fears of being harmed or attacked? David was so often hated and hunted that he knew his life could easily be consumed by anxiety and dread. So he reminded himself that the LORD was his light and his rescuer. Because the LORD was his stronghold and refuge, he had no need – ever – to be afraid. Who is more powerful than the Lord? Where could he be more safe than protected by his God?
I have repeated this psalm many times in my life. When I’ve needed understanding or direction – He is my LIGHT. When I’ve needed protection or rescue – HE is my Salvation. With the LORD giving me all the strength I need, why should I ever be afraid of anyone or anything? I remember when I was giving birth to my last child. I was alone and things seemed to be going wrong. I don’t think there was a bell nearby to call anyone. I felt very alone and it seemed I might die. I began to sing these words in that sterile room, on my own with my unborn child. “The Lord is my Light and my Salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the Strength of my life! Of whom shall I be afraid?” As I sang the words over and over again, a deep peace settled around me and I wasn’t afraid. I knew I wasn’t alone. He was with me, and why would I need anyone else?
A little while later the midwife arrived; things were a bit hectic but it wasn’t more than a couple of hours later and our son arrived, safe and sound. Last night, as I was lying awake, thinking of vulnerable people in our area, this scripture ebbed and flowed like gentle waves lapping on the beach of my mind. This time it was my prayer for others.
The Lord is your Light and your Salvation! Don’t waste your life in fear. Don’t tolerate anxiety! Resist it! There is no need to fear anyone or anything. The Lord is your Refuge – your Stronghold! You are safe with Him. Who could ever harm you when you have run to Him? Who would ever dare?