Vivian Jenkins

Author, Publisher and Educator

I’m so glad you’ve taken the time to visit! You'll find information about my books, and updates on what I am doing - as author, educator and publisher. Retired from teaching and missionary work now, my working time is spend in admin of our publishing company, and revising and developing the Sunrise Reading Scheme and Resources. I continue to enjoy monthly ladies' Bible studies, and - after four years as a registered breeder of persian chinchilla cats - I now enjoy our two exquisite retired queens and Lady Arwen Evenstar's gorgeous boy, Sir Baymax Boniface. You can also visit with Peter - click on About us to find his posts.


Co-author of the Sunrise Readers; author of the StepUp Readers, an RE textbook and two books for adults:  In the Hollow of His Hand and Let the Walls Come Down.

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When Pearson Education Africa closed in April 2022, Vivian and Chrissie Lewis set up Sunrise Educational Publishing (Pty) Ltd. specifically to continue publishing the Sunrise Readers and supplying them into Zimbabwe, Zambia and Botswana.

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Vivian is a qualified  junior school teacher, with a B.A. degree in English and Education, and a Cambridge University Certificate in teaching English to adult learners. She has years of experience in teaching and in teacher training. Read more

From my Blog:

Jack and Lucy’s Story

December 11, 2020

Jack and Lucy were born at 06:00 and 06:55 on the morning of Monday, 21st September. They were very large babies for a Persian Chinchilla mother – Jack was first born and weighed 94g and Lucy followed, weighing 103g. That’s a record for us! Large, healthy babies, they thrived from the beginning and gained weight rapidly. Kittens should double their birthweight in the first ten days; these two and their mommy excelled. They were fed completely on their mother’s milk. On around Day 8, I moved Lady Arwen Evenstar’s babies into this plastic sand or water mould. This gave the new babies more space to shovel their little bodies around (they started crawling!) for the next week or so. Once the babies started moving around more (around two weeks or so), I set up the inside of our main bedroom en-suite shower as a bigger space for them. I placed…

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Women in the Word – Ladies Bible Studies in Fish Hoek

November 14, 2020

This Face Book Page includes devotional thoughts and updates about Ladies Bible Studies I am involved with. The most recent devotional thought focussed on the first principle or ‘reality’ in Henry Blackaby’s Experiencing God Bible study, which is the one we have just completed: God is constantly at work all around us: Could thankfulness be a key to supernatural breakthrough? Could thankfulness possibly be a key to supernatural break-through and victory? The more I think about it, I believe this is true. I will even go so far as to say that developing a consistent, intentional lifestyle of gratitude will see us give God the opportunity to open doors that otherwise wouldn’t open, and to walk in a supernatural level of peace and victory. 1 Thessalonians 5:18: Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.Ephesians 5:20 says: “Always giving thanks to…

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Raising kittens

November 12, 2020

Once all of the babies are born, and Mom and babies are doing well, the important thing is to make sure the babies latch. If the litter is large, there will be some jostling for position and smaller, weaker babies may struggle to feed and keep feeding. With her fourth litter, and two big babies (94g and 103g is HUGE for a Persian Chinchilla/ Original Longhair queen!) – there was no problem with ‘latching’. These two little ones got right on with it. Instinct is amazing. New babies have an instinct to suck. A new mommy may need to be stroked gently and encouraged to spread herself out, making the nipples available, but, if left to herself, she will probably get it right. An experienced mommy knows how to position herself to make her nipples available. Gently brush the kitten’s cheek against a nipple until the baby latches. Exhausted mommies…

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Persian Chinchilla delivery day details!

September 22, 2020

Lady Arwen Evenstar’s due date (63 – 65 days’ pregnancy) was between 17 – 19 September 2020. Of course, one can never be certain when conception has taken place during the mating period. However, I tend to be wakeful a few nights before the first due date. So when Day 66 – 67 arrived, I was quite exhausted already! (What do I do? I get up a few times at night when I hear my queen scrabbling in her ‘nest’, just to see what’s going on.) On Sunday 20th (Day 66), Arwen slept quite a bit, choosing her favourite spot on a sunny Spring day – one of the garden chairs on our patio. In between, she moved quite friskily, alert and interested, and even a little playful. Out in the kitchen herb garden, back on the patio, up the stairs. In the evening, around 9 pm, she went upstairs…

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