My cats and kittens on You Tube

A while back, I was running out of space on my iphone. Of course I was! I have hundreds of photos and videos of my exquisite cats and kittens on my phone – each one too precious to delete. After all, these are my babies, and who could ever delete their photos? Their memories beat on in my heart! So I decided to create a You Tube channel for my Persian Chinchillas/ Original Longhair Cats. I planned to upload my videos there over time, and store them on You Tube. As I uploaded a video, I could delete that video on my phone.
So imagine my surprise when I found that some of my videos were attracting a lot of attention! So, today I will share the two most watched clips with you here!
Princess Bella’s 4th pigeon pair – Armani and Lily! Cuter than cute!
Tiny Lily was a most engaging ADORABLE baby from the start!
I called this precious tot “Missy Mistofelees” and really wanted to keep her. She came out to greet me from the time she could walk! She belongs to a wonderful forever family who love her to BITS!
My first attempt at putting a longer video together – Lady Arwen Evenstar’s First Litter
I decided to try to put a series of video clips together to form a record of Sir Baymax Boniface, Silver Star, Princess Skye and Viking’s first 12 weeks. Unfortunately, it is VERY home-grown and I have learned a lot in the process. If you can just put up with a few seconds of distorted spacing here and there, LOADS of cuteness awaits you! It’s just over 9 minutes.
Good evening Mrs Jenkins,
I hope you’re well. I have looked and your site once I came across your Facebook page while looking for a Chinchilla breeder. I have one gorgeous boy and would love to add another one to our family. Do you have any kittens available?
Hi Celia. I’m so sorry about the delay in replying to your inquiry. We managed to get to the UK to visit our children during this brief window opportunity – so I am back home again, checking my website inquiries. I regret that I don’t have any kittens available. I will email you privately. Best Regards. Vivian