The revised, updated #SunriseReaders Books One - Twelve are available in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana and Australia. Email The original Books 13 - 20 and the Blue #SunriseReaders are also available at Secondary Book Press Stores all over Zimbabwe.

The new Zimbabwe #Step Up English Grades 1 - 6 class readers have been unavailable since the closure of Pearson Education Africa. However, they will be rebranded for #SunriseEducationalPublishing (Pty) Ltd in the near future.

Faith In Action
The Zimbabwe Step in Faith in Action Grade 7 Pupil's Book contains stories, illustrations, exciting activities, full curriculum coverage, language at the level of the pupil and structured week by week lessons.

Hangman's Treasure
This is Vivian Jenkins' only published children's novel. An adventure story with a difference! Its setting is in Zimbabwe, somewhere in Matabeleland. The story is based on real life hear-say: A hangman is told of hidden treasure by a man on the brink of the gallows. A must-read for 9 - 14 year olds.